

T his is two week online training programme to up skill the  teaching competencies of academia from higher educational institutions.  Pedagogy  is at the heart of  teaching  and  learning . Preparing young people to become lifelong  learners  with a deep knowledge of subject matter and a broad set of social skills  requires  a better understanding of how  pedagogy  influences  learning. In this training course, utmost care has been taken to transform theoretical knowledge   with practical orientations with reference to Pedagogical concerns and digital learning experiences. There are 44 technical sessions which are executed with a systematic way in which more than 25 resource persons including International speaker, Dr. Rekha Kaul, Curtin University, Australia had   delivered their lecture with hands on sessions. This whole course is divided into  there main parts I.e  Different Types of Pedagogies (ICT and Non ICT), Instructional Tools, Evaluation Devices along with  MOOCs and its Eco